
How to Maintain a Full-Time Job While Working in Real Estate

By February 9, 2022 No Comments

Hello, I’m Terin Branhan, a Senior Project Manager in Information Technology and the Broker in Charge at Savvy Estates ATL. When I meet new agents, one of the first things they ask me is “How do you balance a full-time job and real estate productivity?” So, I decided to write this blog to address that question and provide some helpful tips on how to balance both worlds. Here we go!

  1. Find a Job with Flexibility. My job has a lot of flexibility, and I disclose my real estate license during my interview or hiring process.
  2. Remain Ethical. If you enjoy what you do as a full-time career, then you should not jeopardize this. For me, I love what I do and I do it well…it is a career, not a job. In other words, I want to be there, I don’t need to be there. I respect the code of conduct there. I’m not using my work computer to look for properties for clients or conducting FREE consultations during work hours. This leads to my next tip…
  3. Organization. My work life is managed on different computers. My work computer’s search history doesn’t even have anything in it that is related to Real Estate, only related to my career. My personal computer is used for all things real estate. I’m also not interested in sourcing real estate leads, or referrals from within the workplace. All efforts to generate leads, and work leads, are completely separate and handled during lunch or after work. This leads to my next tip…
  4. Time Block. If I’m committed to 40 hours a week, I try to build a schedule that allows me to give enough time to real estate activities and my career. For example, I typically wake up before my first work meeting and spend that time reviewing new listings for clients, following up with clients, lenders, attorneys, etc. I may also send newsletters at this time. After work, or near the end of the day I may start texting, calling clients, etc. FREE consultations are purposely allowed only during certain times on certain days, and to accommodate showings I either hire someone to conduct the tours for me, or I fill my weekend with touring activity. Most of my clients are also working and their availability is around work, school activities, etc.

I’ll continue to build here as I think of tips. Feel free to ask me questions to help me build this post out!

About Terin Branhan

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